​​​​​​​​​​Triangle Jewish Chorale
You don’t have to be Jewish to sing with the Triangle Jewish Chorale! We are always looking for new talent. Contact us now for an audition:
Annie Lang
Phone: (919) 696-2294
Membership is open to all who:
Can sing in tune and listen to others at the same time;
Are willing to put in the time to learn their parts;
Are responsible and committed enough to attend rehearsals with consistency.
Music Director and Conductor: Susan Klebanow
Any age/gender (all welcome)
Audition required
Dues (yearly): $100.00 (waived for scholarship participants)
Music fees: $20 per semester
Both are payable at the first rehearsal of the fall season.
Other costs: simple concert wear
We sing secular and religious music, ancient and contemporary. Some is unaccompanied, but we often use piano, percussion, or instruments played by members or guest artists.
To sing with us:
You do not have to be able to sight read, but should understand basic musical notation
You have to pass a low-pressure audition
You do not have to be affiliated with any Jewish organization
You do not have to be Jewish
Regular rehearsals:
When: Tuesdays, 6:45 - 8:45 pm from September through May (barring secular and Jewish holidays)
Where: Levin Jewish Community Center, 1937 W. Cornwallis Road, Durham, NC 27705 (handicapped accessible)
Note: Rehearsals are not open to the public; please contact the ensemble to ask to attend.
Scholarships for Young Talent:
Please contact conductor
Contact information:
Co-Presidents, Board of Directors:
Annie Lang
Email: alang1@nc.rr.com
Phone: 919-696-2294​
Barbara Jentleson
Email: bcj3@duke.edu
Phone: 919-257-9254
Membership/Audition questions:
Annie Lang
Email: alang1@nc.rr.com
Phone: 919-696-2294
Music Conductor:
Susan Klebanow
Email: skleb@email.unc.edu